New Delhi: Ranbir Kapoor and Sanjay Leela Bhansali have returned positive. Following the news, it is being said on social media that Alia Bhatt has also returned positive. When the truth is something different. Alia Kovid has been negative and is currently in self-isolation.
Which caused the news to spread
Alia is in regular contact with both Ranbir Kapoor and Sanjay Leela Bhansali. On one hand, he is busy shooting Gangubai Kathiwadi with Sanjay Leela Bhansali. On the other hand, she is Ranbir's girlfriend and is also working with him in the film. Alia is also currently working with Ranbir in the film Brahmastra.
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Alia's report is Corona's negative
In such a situation people started speculating on social media that Alia Bhatt has also tested positive for Corona. But not so. According to a report published in Bollywood Life Life, Alia is on the verge of extinction even after the corona came negative and is following all the rules of the corona. It is being said that Sanjay Leela Bhansali had all the corona tests done in his set. At the same time, his mother also tested Corona. During this time, Alia also tested the corona and it came back negative.
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Alia will be seen in these films
Let me tell you, Alia Bhatt is busy with many projects. Alia Bhatt will soon be seen in 'Brahmastra' and 'Gangubai Kathiwadi'. Along with this, Alia Bhatt is also trying her hand in the field of production. The film 'Darlings' is also being made under its new banner. The film is co-produced by Shah Rukh Khan's company Red Chillies.
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